The Most Common Guitar Strum Pattern

Here is The Most Common Guitar Strum Pattern ever: I used this as a kid when I first starting playing and still use it today.

1.  Remember to use a downstrum on the #’s and an upstrum on the “+’s”.

  • Be especially careful of beat 3.  You should make a down strum here but with out hitting the strings.  Otherwise you will flip the pattern and not be ready for the upstrum on the “+” or “amd” of beat 3.




Remember to:

  • Keep your hand moving or you’ll mess up the pattern.
  • Say the pattern out loud or in your mind as you do it.
  • Miss the strings on beat 3 so you are ready for your next up strum on the “and” of 3.


Previous Lesson: Guitar Strumming Basics

Next Lesson:  Strum Pattern #2 The Green Day Pattern

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