Important characteristics:
- The Minor Pentatonic is 5 note scale
- Sounds good over minor triads and minor 7 chords.
- Can also be used over or the ii, iii, and vi chords in Major key.
- Works great for Minor and Major Blues songs.
- Uses the 1st, b3rd, 4th, 5th & b7th degrees of the Major Scale.
- The end of each adjacent form is the beginning of the next form.
*Here are some lessons on how to better understand and approach playing these Minor Pentatonic scale forms: 3. The CAGED Method part III – Minor , Minor Form Lessons: Cm, Am, Gm, Em, Dm. This page is meant as a way to view them all together once you’ve completed all 5 forms.
Now Visit: Minor Pentatonic Scale Practice

Love this site. Thank you. Great resource.