Here is an easy way to find any note on the guitar.
1. Learn your string names. Here is a good mnemonic device for the names going from thin to thick:
Every Body Gets Dessert After Effort
2.Memorize that there are no notes between E & F and B & C. This is easiest to see by looking at a piano.
3. Starting on any string and can count up and find any note by skipping over one fret for all notes except B & C and E & F.
Lets find a C note on the low E string:
* Once you reach the 12th fret the pattern starts over. For a better understanding of the guitar neck also check out The Guitar Fretboard
4. If you need a note with a sharp (#) or flat (b), just count up to the letter you need and raise or lower it by a 1/2 step accordingly.
Let’s try an F#:
Why it is important to know the note names:
- needed to communicate with other musicians efficiently.
- necessary for learning theory and understanding your instrument.
- it will make you more versatile and efficient at learning new songs.
This list could go on and on. The benefits are numerous!!!

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