Guitar Strumming Basics:
= Down Strum
= Up Strum
1. Rhythms on the beat will always be a DOWN strum.
- Try strumming quarter notes using an E minor chord. Everything should be DOWN strums.
2. Rhythms on the “and” or off beat, will always be an UP strum.
- Now try strumming 8th notes. All the “ands” of each beat will be UP strums. All of the #’s will still be down strums.
3. Try this mixed rhythm pattern.
- Keep your hand moving consistently! If you pause at any moment you will lose your pattern and be strumming UP’s instead of DOWN’S or vice versa.
- Always keep your hand moving up and down. If you stop you will fall behind.
- Strumming comes more from rotating or twisting the forearm rather than swinging the forearm up and down from the elbow.
- Say either the pattern or the numbers out loud as you do it. This helps a lot!
- GO SLOW and use a metronome!!! Is that starting to sound familiar???
Previous Lesson: 8th Notes and 8th Note Rests
Next Lesson: The Most Common Strum Pattern
videos coming soon!!!

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