An Interval is simply a way of labeling the distance between two notes.
The two most important intervals to know are Half Steps and Whole Steps.
Half step– is the smallest interval we have in Western music. It is the next closest note to the one you are on. It can also be called a minor 2nd or m2 for short. Lower case m’s imply minor.
- a half step up from E is F.
- a half step up from F# is G
Whole step– a whole step is equal to two half steps and is basically like skipping every other note. It can also be called a major 2nd or M2 for short. Upper case M’s imply major.
- a whole step up from E is F#
- a whole step up from F is G
- a whole step from Ab is Bb
Practice the minor 2nd interval.
Practice the major 2nd interval.
Previous Lesson: The Musical Alphabet- The Accidentals
Next Lesson: The Major Scale Formula

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