Because all major scales use the same formula, WWHWWWH, you can also assume that they will all have the same chord qualities. In the previous lesson we built the 7 Triads in a Major Scale. We came up with this:
Since all Majors scales use the same formula we can then assume that, no matter what key we’re in the chord qualities will be the same. Like this:
If you followed my lessons in order you would have learned all your Major Scales and would now be able to easily figure out all your diatonic triads to all 12 Major scales.
Here is a blank spread sheet. Figure out the triads to all 12 keys and then check your answers.
Chord Quality Matrix – blank
Chord Quality Matrix – answers
If you are a curious person you are probably asking ” What makes chords major or minor?”. That is a good question; and as long as you’ve done the lessons on intervals you are probably ready for the answer.
Previous Lesson: Building the 7 Triads in a Major Scale
Next Lesson: What Makes A Chord Major or Minor?

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